My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

What You Should Know...

She expects romance.

OK, you aren't the romantic type, neither am I. You don't need to write love poems, or send her flowers every day. Little things can make a big difference.

Things like actually asking her out on a date, an occasional call from work, complementing her in front of her friends. Here's a quote from a friend of mine, Debbie Anderson...

"Women do a lot of little things and men tend to do one big thing, like surprising her at the last minute for a Hawaii vacation resort but women regard each little thing they do separately and equal, where men seem to think that one big thing covers for all the little things!

You see, that's a big secret....if men could learn to do all the little things they wouldn't need to do the big thing!" Let her know you love her, and you will be plenty romantic enough, but "do" show her that you love her. What she really expects is for you to show her that you love and respect her. That shouldn't be too hard should it?

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