My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

...but I'm trying hard to.

I haven't been able to get to sleep. It takes a long while, sometimes a few hours before I get to doze off. Too many things going through my mind. It is definitely affecting my waking up time, and I do need to get up early to go for my meetings, plus I did tell Kenny that I would do my very best to be in the office early everyday. Not that I don't want to, really. And when I wake up late, I feel bad and feel like I have disappointed another person, including myself. I was never the sort who comes late last time or don't turn up, especially if I had given my word on my timing and attendance.

So I tried to sleep earlier. I went to bed at 12.30am, and tossed and turned, and when I eventually checked the time, it was already 2am and I was still awake, tired but awake. I yawned till I had tears in my eyes. And the worse thing is everytime I close my eyes, many things flashed into my mind, and these are all those negative things, unhappy and sad things, lousy things, things I wished a certain person never had to say, and this is very bad for my mental health. It wasn't this bad before. They play every night nowadays (it's been like a month), everytime I shut my eyes to sleep. I am trying to forget about it, I am trying to not be affected and think of it as a one-off thing, trying to not even think about it. It works in the day, it comes back to haunt me at night. GO AWAY! Seriously, I think I need help, but I don't know what kind. Or maybe somebody just needs to make me feel like I am not as lousy as he makes me out to be or thinks I am. Have I never ever been seen or thought of in a positive angle? I do need that recognition or just a sign. It's not even a want, it's a need. I need this.

So usually at this point, I will start to switch on the light, on my laptop and do other things like work, just to get my mind off those things, and then I will finally get to sleep.

So, do you really think I like sleeping late, or not being able to get up early, whatever way you chose to see it as? It sucks big time, seriously. Fortunately, I like what I am doing now (as in during the day). Somehow I feel different when I am doing my job, like a totally different person. Fortunately I am no longer in my previous company, else I would feel even worse about myself.

So here I am, at the unearthly hour, penning down my thoughts after so many hard-to-sleep nights. You might not have any idea of what I am talking about, but yah, maybe letting it out might help me. And this is my way of letting it out. Been bottling this up for so long. I'm just afraid I might resort to flu medicine to ease my falling asleep.


Anonymous said...

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end,
be afraid that it will never begin.

Anonymous said...

It really sucks when you try to please someone and it never seems enough. I guess some people are just like that. Just remember tt at the end of the day, it's not btwn you and them, it's btwn you & God anyway. So just do the best you can :)
In case I never told u thanks for everything, for being a friend, a sis & of coz, my financial advisor (haha, I noe nuts abt these things). I love u babe. Hang in there.
PS: Next time you can't sleep, call me. I can be quite a bore *winks*

xpidemic17 said...

thanx anonymous... do i noe u?

and kak ida, love u to, u're like a kakak i never had...

Anonymous said...

yes u do

Anonymous said...

:( whatever nek said is true, yknow- i think you know what i'm talking abt. haiiiii. it began from so long ago, and it never really got resolved. :(((


xpidemic17 said...

ok, the first anonymous is not the same as the second one rite? heh...

xpidemic17 said...

oh wait... u're aa old fren...

Anonymous said...

forget about trying to figure out who this old fren is....wldnt want it to cause u more sleepness nites...

e 'original' anonymous

xpidemic17 said...

lalalalala... i noe! ;p