My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The one about missing and months...

I miss everyone, like all my frens. I feel like I haven't met any of them in a loooong time. Dun you all miss me too? Heh.

Anyway, this writer's strike thingy is making me miss my Grey's Anatomy also. Shheesh, stop stiking already, why you can't let a girl watch something in peace, when after a long time she falls in love, really in love, with a show (ok, also with Dr Shepherd).

And January is coming, so fast, no wait!!! I am not ready yet, for January, for a new year, for new responsilities, new challenges, new people, new worries, new goals, new expectations... Takuuuut! Sigh, but what can I do except to start mentally psyching myself, start planning ahead. Go Ain!

Oh, talking about January, I was thinking about songs with months in them. Like, January - "...kisah kita berakhir di Januari..."
February - "...untuk gadi pilihan, ohhhhh, di bulan Februari..."
March - Can't think of any... but my birthday's in March!
April - "Bila... bila April..."
May - Well first thing that came into my mind was the malay band May
June - "Sometimes the snow comes down in June..."
July - Also dunno any
August - "Tanggal 31, bulan lapan, 57..." Hah!
September - "Wake me up when September ends"
October - "Tragedi Oktober"
November - "November Rain"
December - "My December"

Oh and I miss Chai @ Bhai.. Heh.

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