My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Friday, October 26, 2007

What have I done...

Ok, I think my emotional turbulence has its aftermath. My apologies, I was just being emotional. I didn't mean to offend or hurt, nor did I mean to be sarcastic. Just letting off steam. Usually I am not like that. Just too much emo-stuff to handle at the same time. But no worries, there's bigger things for me to worry about now. CAMNER??? I hope that last night's is the beginning of more to come. InsyaAllah...

Eh korang jalan pakai what colour? Aku pakai brue karer.

Juiny, come back, I miss you. I know you need me. ;p


King & Queen said...

aku pakai baju hantaran - putih!

Anonymous said...

aku pakai off-white/pearl white/creamish white... =D

dew embun said...

Stranger ni kan...
Selalu ada masalah colour tau!
nak pakai paint punya guide tu tak?! The one with the paint names and colours?! Aku carikan!

Anonymous said...

alah... asal korang paham... =P

c u babes 2moro...!!! =D