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Monday, October 15, 2007

After-effect of it all

I have to get back on the move pronto! Been a lonnng null period.

Anyway, today feels like Sunday too, but it is the result of the weekend of raya. My body's aching, been aching since the first day of raya. On the first day, when I woke up, it ached because I was scrubbing the toilet, mopping the floor, and giving some TLC to Vio. Hahha, but good workout yah. This time around, did washing with my bro, instead of Ina. On the second day it still ached when I woke up. Could it still be due to the day before raya activities? Or just the whole day of jalan-ing? Today, it still aches when I woke up. I know! It is because of the whole day of jalan-ing and driving. Sigh.

We forgot to take first day of raya family photo so this year you won't get to see any "the family photo" posted. There wasn't much group photos too, well not as much as last year's. Ifa's a mum now. Ina's not around but got to talk to her yesterday. Dun cry babe... This year, we appraoched a different route and style of jalan raya. First day, we went to my father's side first (all the elders) before going to Yishun. Usually it will be Nenek's house, Yishun then the elders' houses. So it's convoy-style with all my uncles and aunties on my dad's side. And Yishun got to be the last house so we didn't have to think about going anywhere else after that. On the second day, the whole dad's side convoy went to their cousins place and each other's house. So yeay, we have completed the dad's side (well, at least the compulsory ones). Now left mum's side.

My relatives will be coming later. Like it will be a big bunch of them. Always looked forward to the visit of Pak Itam and family coz we only see them once a year, though this year abit more often coz of those weddings in N.S.

And GG is starting his new job today. Hope everything goes well for him and things will be different.

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