My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ain's Anatomy...

Hahah, had too much of Grey's Anatomy. Watched a full 22-episod DVD at one shot. Much as being a surgeon is rather inspiring and cool, I definitely am not cut out for such career. I can't bear feeling the pain of those people being operated. Sloan was hot at first, but I fell in love with Shepherd.

I received an email from Nuke, after a looong time. And apparently my Zoe has grown quite a bit, heavier, smarter and prettier. She is now like 13kg, and also irritating. Nuke informed that she woud ask repeatedly, "What is that/this?" and "What are you doing, Mommy/Daddy?" even after she has been answered. Hahah, that sounds like me yah, sometimes I do that to GG. Will post up her photos soon.

I haven't seen Danie since got out of hospital. Shud do that one of these days. I seem to have many plans intended for the coming week. Buka with 4 groups of people, go Geylang, go karaoke, wanna go visit Ifa, work appointments. Sighhhh... But sounds fun considering that last week was quite a lazy week for me.

Ok adios!

1 comment:

dew embun said...

Haha! Told you Grey's was ADDICTIVE!! Sungguh menggiurkan kan kan kan!?
Best...sekrg aku ada geng nak go all McDreamy on McSteamy and imagine doing the McNasty with McVet and McDonalds!