My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Jalan Raya

Ok, this weekend begins the jalan raya galore, with my Crez friends on Saturday and my AMPYC friends on Sunday. Next weekend will be the Bhai people. Kinda excited but at the same time, wondering how am I going to go thru the car journey (which has lately been a painful experience for me). Last night, I went to pick up GG, and the pain came in less than 20 minutes of me driving... How? The racer Ain has to cut back on her racing... :/

And, I realised I haven't put up any raya family photos, reason being that this year we used my bro's camera and he left for Bintan a few days after raya.. Waiting to get the photos from him. Izal, gambar mana??

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