My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Pregnancy Due Date Countdown at


King & Queen said...

Congrats! I'm gonna have a friend! - Baby Firmansyah

stranger said...

yeay! congrats beb!

princesssaf said...


xpidemic17 said...

aik... u all are fast, considering the fact that i hvnt blogged for sooo long. thx.. :)

Riyana said...

Congrats Ain. Haiz...makin la i tak sabar to haf my own....insyallah :)

xpidemic17 said...

thx Yana.. InsyaAllah... I also hope you will have ur own soon jadi bila jalan raya ker, ada kawan.. :)