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Friday, November 07, 2008

The one about clearing out...

I am starting to clear out my stuff... Need to start already, since I have to overhaul my room, and boy, do I have lots of things to clear... Clothes that I don't need/want/can't fit in anymore, old textbooks, papers, can't bear to throw but I don't have a need for them stuff, and I am not even halfway through.

So I started out with my clothes, 2 boxes, one for discard'em and one for keep'em (which I wouldn't need to wear in the next 1 month so I will have less to pack just before I dismantle my old cupboard). Seriously, the ones I put in my keep'em box, I know when the wardrobe comes, I will still discard a quarter of them but I can't bear to do it now. Hah! I have more in my keep'em box than my discard'em box. Then I kinda stop halfway coz I would need to wear the rest of them. I wanna donate some of my baju kurungs that I can't fit into anymore, but I don't where to, so if you guys have any info on where I can donate baju kurungs, pls share with me...

Next, my sacred drawer full of sentimental things that I have kept for like a decade or more perhaps. I am sentimental man, I value those things people gave me, cards and such. I have like a pile of old cards and letters and notes that I kept from dunno when. I spent more time reading through them than actually throwing out, and I ended up still keeping half of them. It was a heartwarming moment reading through those. Touching giler, cards from one particular kid from this camp that I facilitated when I was in sec 4, v-day/ birthday/ for-fun cards from my lovely girlfriends (eh Nurul, you actually sent me a hari raya card lah long time back, hahaha..), letters from this good friend I made from my OBS Lumut trip, I have a letter from C.H.R.I.S.T.O.P.H.E.R T.A.N lah (dun laugh ok! I wonder if he still remembers me.. sigh.. ) to name some. I really couldn't bear to throw most of them so I just threw out some old hari raya cards, xmas cards. Macam mana mau game? Then my pile of Fandi Ahmad *swoon* posters, cut-outs, articles, notebook, I spent years collecting them, and it was hard to part with them, but well... He still has a soft spot in my heart even thoguh he's no longer playing soccer. ;p (I still have a chance to take it out from the trash bag you know... Damn!)

I still have my textbooks and notes to go thru, and my work stuff, which is the main bulk of the things in my room. Camnerrrr?

Collected my invite print-outs from Talib, and should be done with the cards by this weekend so guys, get ready for a meet-up! I kinda like how my cards turn out, they may not be perfect (senget2 sikit ada) coz it's handmade but they have effort written all over them though they're simple. I loike. I think my wedding theme would be personal touch. Berkat buat sendiri, gubahan pun, cards pun, bedroom deco nanti pun, cupcakes "buat sendiri" by my gals. Nurul said if I can do my pelamin and decor myself, I would have done it. What a sight that would be - imagine, immediately after nikah I would have to rush down to set up the pelamin and all. ;p

This weekend would be spent clearing out my room (as much as I can).

Last thing to settle would be to book our honeymoon. Enough of rambling, I need to sleep.

1 comment:

princesssaf said...

hey i can totally identify with u..i have tons of stuff that i should be parting with too but i can't bear to heh... let me know if u have lobangs where to donate old clothes/baju kurungs cos been looking for them for ages.