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Friday, May 09, 2008

Taiwanese Series on the list

Hah! Been watching taiwanese series for the past week, eversince I stayed at home one Saturday afternoon and managed to catch Hana-Kimi on Channel U, and got hooked on it. Since I usually won't be home to catch it, I went to watch it online, finished the whole series in 2 nights. It was starred by Ella from S.H.E and Wu Chun from Fahrenheit (hahha, macam paham je eh?). Ohh and so that guy in my previous post was him lah (Wu Chun). I loike! Googled him and realised he is actually from Brunei, meaning he should understand Malay kan... Well, it's not often that I fancied guy actors who look boy-ish (I go for George, Patrick, that kind. Heck I didn't even think Brad was cute just coz he had that boy-ish look last time), but I think he's cute. Ah well, actually I liked when he has that stressed look in his show. Looking at some of the photos, I think I prefer him in his shows rather than in posed photos.

Anyway since I am in luuuurve with him, I searched for other shows that he starred in and came across "Tokyo Juliet" (and yes Joanne, I know these are all outdated shows, but what to do, I haven't really stayed in to watch TV you know..) Azah, I think you would like this show, kinda sappy. And I watched that show in 2 nights too (that explains my eye-bag). Comparing Hana-Kimi and Tokyo Juliet, I preferred Hana-Kimi coz it's funny, seriously, plus he was more athletic in that show. Next up for me would be "Romantic Princess" ;p Woohoo!

Oh no, I realised that I am starting to behave like those girlish teenage girls, haha.. Plus GG commented that I am behaving more girlish lately eversince I watch these shows. I even drive like a girl now. NOOOOOO!!!!! Dammit. Nvm, just for now, I'll be back to normal after finishing up my shows. Hehee. Let's just have some of his screen-captures up.

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