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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Party of the Year - The Cupcakes

This post shall be solely on my cupcakes making section.

Anyway, I made cupcakes, my first attempt at it, and honestly speaking, I think the cupcakes were nice. I was surprised and proud of myself actually, considering there was no test run and what-nots. But the recipe in the cupcakeblog that Ros recommended in her post is really good. Highly recommended by yours truly. Anyway, I started baking my first batch at 2.30am, and at 4am, I tasted my first home-made cupcake, and my first reaction - "Sedap sak!" Heheh, terus msg GG... ;p Then while waiting for the cupcakes (batch 1) to cool, I got some shut-eye. Woke up to make the second batch. Which turned out slightly nicer looking but less chocolatey, maybe because I used a different type of cocoa.

I tried putting the ready-made icing lah, which has this preservatives smell and taste, so decided not to use it, and therefore I had to make the frosting. Seriously, the cupcakes taste good enough without it, better actually coz the frosting was very the sweet. Anyway, one flaw was that the cupcakes (batch 1) shrink away from the cups, perhaps because I used those plastic-y cups. Decided to make them into minicakes instead. Put the frostings at the chalet itself, and the overall effect - pretty!

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