My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

They did warn me... So is this part of it all? Or is it just me once again? I need some TLC. Really.

Anyway, went to Rehan's birthday party, nice food, great people, cute little Rehan. It's nice to see my dear Az in her mum mode, considering how I know her to be like last time (eh Az?) Well, at least having baby birthday parties gives us more reasons to have reunions, ya babes? So Kamal, Nana, when's your turns? And Nurul... kita tunggu kau lama tau, I had to leave pasal mak aku activate aku gi expo. Kau ni pun!

Had a long overdue ex-AMPYC ppl gathering. So many things have happened since our last meet, so exciting. Conrats to the both of you, oh no, 4 of you I should say. InsyaAllah, everything would go well. So happy for you guys, especially for "the" man, who has been like a big bro to us all.

Sayang korang2 semua....

1 comment:

Azah said...

Kitorang pun sayang kau!!!
