My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Silly Me...

I fell off a chair, backwards... ahahah. Kebodohan. You know those round chair, without any backrest, ah yes, stool is it called. Yah I fell off a stool. So funny, so selenger. Those who were there said it is not like me to be so clumsy, but yah I can get clumsy and when I do, I am really clumsy. How about I have left my phone behind in a toilet before coz I hang it at the door hanger, and after feeling relief coz I really urgently needed to pee, I happily left the the toilet and the phone behind. Twice such incident happened. Not forgetting my left the keys at the office moments, even though I die die believe that I had put them in my bag. How about walking into a glass door right in front of my colleagues. So selenger. And banging into the top of the car door while entering even though that must be the hundred time I enter that door. Or swivelling my tablet and forgetting that I had a drink behind it and thereby causing it to topple and spill all over the floor. OK, shall not further elaborate how selenger I can be.

Tomorrow is raya again so here's wishing all my Muslim friends and family
"Salam Aidiladha".

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