My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

End of the year = Beginning of the next

Worait, as usual it is the time for the reflections of the year that has been and perhaps new resolutions for the year that's on the way.

It has been a good year, sucky year, depressing year, exciting, nerve-wrecking, all in one. Well, for a start, this is the first year that we go jalan2 as a family (together with the dad's siblings) to his side of the family. Fun! Plus it's the year that we probably go back kampung the most compared to the other years, thus got to meet Pak Itam and family more. A few cute babies were born - Little Rehan, Danie Boy, Sharifah Sweetheart, adding on to the beautiful people on this planet. Marriages all around - Nan, Kamal, a few of the kakaks I know.

At the same time, there were challenging moments which I shan't dwell upon...

But anyway, all these serve to make ME a stronger and better person, insyaAllah. From reading a friend's blog, I felt proud of her, how I can see she has grown up and become more matured. Perhaps one day, I too, will reach that. Hehhee, not that I am not matured lah, just maybe not enough kan.

For the coming year, my resolutions.... Hmmm, one of it is to be a less hot-tempered person..... be more productive and more confident of myself, and become a healthier being... meaning cut down on the nonsense stuff that I am inputing in my body and exercise!

Anyway people, have a blast of a year ahead, and look out for more updates!

1 comment:

az/fah said...

temper? ain? hee hee. hugs! good luck on your resolutions. :)