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Friday, November 23, 2007

Camp out!

Amazing race, night walk, canoeing, muddy feet, waterbombs, being in the rain whole day, cheering and bbq-ing, and lots of kids... After a long time not being involved in such stuff, I was called to help out at a P6 camp. Not knowing what to expect, I felt like that little girl, I felt so unprepared and nervous, like it was my first time going for such camp. Hah. It was funny since I have been for such camps like so many times in the past, both as a participant and a facilitator. GG sent me, which made it even nerve-wrecking coz I felt like my dad was sending me off for the camp and there he was going on and on about don't this, don't that, behave, take care, blah blah, like a concerned dad. Heehee...

All that nervous feeling changed after the kids turned up. Back to faci mode. It was fun. How often do you get to play in the mud and rain when you've grown up? However it's different being a facilitator at this age compared to when you were only a teenager. You are more protective and naggy. You tend to be more authoritative, macam teacher-teacher gitu. Seriously. Comes with the age I guess. Plus, the energy level not the same. But there is also a difference with the kids now compared to then.

My group's name - Aeolus. Master of the Winds. 5 girls and 2 boys. Photo below is the flag that they designed.

I kayak-ed with a small-sized girl, and there was a rainstorm and all I thought off was my kids. I mean last time, I wouldn't worry that much. Dulu kalau takut, it was more for myself, dahlah tak tau swim sangat kan. But during that moment, I was more like looking out for them, everytime searching out for my group of kids, and pushing them on and putting on a very brave front. We had to stop for a while to wait for the rain to die down. I was reminded of the time when we had a canoe camp when we had to canoe to Ubin and it started pouring heavily and the water was damn choppy, there was no way we could have turned back or stopped anywhere coz we were in the middle of the sea. We had to keep paddling just to keep ourselves at the same spot and prevent ourselves from being drifted by the current. And you can't really see everyone coz the rain was super heavy.

Well, anyway, my group got first in the amazing race, yoohoo! We sort of got lost finding the mangrove swamp and the kids got scared coz that part of the park was quiet and deserted and dark. That stupid map was useless lah. Well, I couldn't show my fears, kena step confident. ;p

It was a good break from daily activities, good exercise for the month, good company. I needed that, surge of energy. Oh and what made me even happier was the fact that my kids thought I was a teenager lah, and their oldest guess was 21. Hah! Gerek kan. Now my face is all peeling. Sigh.

My kids. That was the flag that they lost like thrice. They had to guard the flag at all time coz the organizer will always try to steal the flag at every moment it's not protected.

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