My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Early morning thoughts

Do you ever wonder, are people who they portray themselves to be...? Like, are they really that nice, are they really that happy and carefree, do they really mean what they say or are their actions and words synonymous with each other(I think that's the word)? People have secrets, of course. There are certain things that we do that maybe only some people are aware of, or at times, some are kept deep within our self. That's normal. Different people we know, hold different pieces of our lives, our memories, our secrets. Imagine putting all these people together and then getting your stories out of them... Whoah. Do I have to worry if such things were to happen? I hope not. I do have my vices, secrets and what-nots but maybe not that major to make people not like me right? I hope...

But anyhow.. what I mean is... aiyah it's difficult to put into words what I am trying to say here. Like major difference in what they show outside... Ah well, never mind, must be one of those morning without sleep thoughts. Why did I even start writing about this, I also dun remember, I think I had a point to make when I started out but I somehow lost it. Hmmm... it might return later. Gotta go, have a date with Kenny.


dew embun said...

Let me try help,beb...
Something like Johari's Window.
1) We know and people know
2) We know and people don't know
3)People know and we don't know
4)Both we and people don't know

Also,there are 3 sides to our personality...
1) The person we allow ourselves to be in front of others
2) The person we really are
3)The person people think we are

So yes, when we piece all the jigsaw puzzles together, we get the final person who we really are...Like the poem in my blog under my profile.

'But I am not whole nor am i complete Before all my images meet and fit.'

xpidemic17 said...

isnt it a big problem if all 3 sides are so different from one another

dew embun said...

Not if there is a common thread somewhere somehow.
Or..if we choose to not see it as a problem. Haha!