My New Site

Will be transferring my blogs to this site. In the midst of transferring and upgrading.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Random blabberings

If you are going at 80km/h on a 90km/h road, PLEASE keep left and not hog the right lane. It is very irritating. That lane is for overtaking, in the end others have to overtake on the left and that's dangerous.

I wanna go Geylang eat dengdeng.

We actually went all the way to Simpang Renggam just now to buy kuih2. With 3 cars. Imagine that. It was nice though to go out together2 with the family. We drove back by the kampung way so the potholes were nasty, and Nenek was in my car so had to be more gentler. My heart ached with every potholes I didn't manage to avoid and every bump we went through. Poor Vio.
The mufflers were stolen AGAIN! Can you stop doing that? Do these things just happen to me?

11.5K more to go! Can I do it in half a month? Oh no.. less than that actually. Sigh.

Should I cut my hair, or at least trim my fringe. It's kinda getting rather messy-looking, but then again, when was my hair ever neat?

Ain, stop getting yourself into mess.

People, bila nak buka sama2?

**And AkulahDracula, my hamsters have no names pasal ada 5, so end up I just call all of them hamsies. I can't reply on the Shoutout Box, doesn't work apparently.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Pieces of me:
That film clip with the photos is really cool!